

je n'est pas compris cet exercice, pouvez vous me l'expliquait. merci d'avance ​
je n'est pas compris cet exercice, pouvez vous me l'expliquait. merci d'avance ​

1 Réponse

  • Bonjour

    - Dans les blancs ______tu dois utiliser "should' ou "shouldn't"

    - Dans les blancs --------- tu dois te servir des mots en majuscules

    - Enfin, tu dois classer les phrases parmi les 5 thèmes proposés

    1- You should turn off the lights.........

    2- You should walk, bike or take public transport instead of driving.

    3- You shouldn't leave the tap running .......

    4- You should have showers instead of baths.

    5- At home, you should sort out (= trier) paper...........

    6- You soukdn't eat beef to often.

    7- You should re-use shopping bags.

    8- You should take worn-out battereries and .... to the recycling containers

    9- You shouldn't leave the fridege door open for too long.

    10- You should use a roll-on deodorant instead of a spray.

    11- You should buy organic local food or have your own vegetable garden

    12- You shouldn't drop platic bags or soda cans in the country side........

    13- You should insulate (isoler) the windows keep in the heat.

    14- You should print on both sides of the page.

    15- You should install a rainwater tank water the garden.

    16- You shouldn't leave the computer or the TV set on standby at night.

    17- You should compost kitchen waste to make organic fertilizer for your garden instead of using chemicals.

    18- When you feel a bit cold in your bedroom, you should put on a pullover instead of turning up the heating.

    19- You should try to convince your parents to get a hybrid car.

    20- When it's very hot in summer, you shouldn't turn air-conditioning full on. You should use a fan or leave a window open at night.

    21- You should use solar-powered outdoor lights instead of hard-wired electricity to illuminate the garden, driveway or balcony.


    Maintenant il faut classer  toutes ces phrases dans les 5 thèmes proposés plus haut

    tu te sens de le faire ?? Essaie.....

    sinon je t'aiderai plus tard

    bonne fin de journée ☺☺☺