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Bonjour, Est-ce que vous pouviez m'aider à faire un texte en anglais sur cela ? Sa doit durer 5 min environ. Merci énormément. Pourriez-vous me dire qu'elle pub

1 Réponse

  • donc g choisi une pub d'Iphone parce que je pense que c'est universel et elles sont pratiquement tous pareilles. Si tu cherches "apple ads" tu devrais trouver

    The ad shows the phone in the middle, with text underneath describing and naming the product. The colours are very simple, with black and white clearly dominating. The phone is showed as very new and sleek which I think attracts alot of people. The ad is probablt targeted to people who like gadgets and apple products, and showing something so new and innovative is a very effective way of selling a product, especially if this product is very famous and known world-wide.