

Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider pour ces exercices svp merci !
Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider pour ces exercices svp merci !

1 Réponse

  • bonjour

    le présent perfect

    have (au présent) + participe passé de la Base Verbale

    EXO 1

    a- He has travelled all over the world.

    b- I have never visited Australia.

    c- Have you ever been to New Zealand ?

    d- I have read this book several times !

    e- He hasn't been to the USA.


    EXO 2 . preterit ou present perfect ?

    a- I went to London three years ago. (ago = preterit)

    b- I have never caught such a big fish before! (never before= p. Perfect)

    c- They didn't see their friends last night. (last night = prétérit)

    d- She knows everything about Dickens.  She has read all his books !  (1ère phrase au présent = p. perfect)

    e- We read Oliver Twist at school last year. (last year = prétérit)

    bonne soirée ☺☺☺