

bonjour a tous
j'ai besoin de votre aide pouvez vous m'aider sur la question 1 et 2 car je suis perdu
et je dois aussi indiquer si c'est du present prefect ou du preterit
merci encore de votre aide

Conjuguez les verbes : en indiquant si au present prefect ou du preterit

1) I ..............( travel) a lot, but I .............(never/be) to the USA. (...........)

2) I ......... (receive) my computer three weeks ago. ( .............)

3) Look at that man! He can't stand up because he has drunk (drink) too much champagne. (c'est du present prefect )

4) I met my friend Jenny at university and we have remained (remain) friends ever since. ( c'est du present prefect )

5 ) pouvez m'aidez a remettre cette en ordre si vous plais

cake - was - as - this -tasty - I - imagined -as.

thank you

2 Réponse

  • Bonjour

    1- I travelled a lot, but I have never been to the USA before. (preterit + p.perfect = never)

    2. I received my computer three weeks ago. (prétérit)

    3- Look at the man ! He can't stand up because he has drunk too much champagne. (present perfect)

    4- I met my friend Jenny at the university and we have remained friends ever since. (present perfect)

    This cake was as tasty as I imagined

    bonne journée ☺☺☺

  • 1-I have travelled a lot, but I  have never been to the USA.

    2-I received my computer three weeks ago.

    3-Look at that man! He can't stand up because he has drunk too much champagne.

    4-I met my friend Jenny at university and we have remained friends ever since.

    5-this tasty cakes was as I imagined

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