

Aidez moi en anglais
I’m John Ragland and I’m from Tennessee.
I have got 2 brothers who do not live with us anymore.
I have been to Africa and I have lived with the Pygmies.
I have worked for the Washington Post for 10 years.
I really enjoy playing tennis and water polo.
I prefer watching comedies to watching sad films.

Full name :…………………………………………………………
State : ………………………………………………………
Family : ………………………………………………………
Does he still live with them : ● yes​​​● no
Experiences :
- ……………………………………………………………………….
- ………………………………………………………………………..
Job : ……………………………………………………………………….
How long for ? : ………………………….
♥ : …………………………………………………………………

1 Réponse

  • Script
    I’m John Ragland and I’m from Tennessee.
    I have got 2 brothers who do not live with us anymore.
    I have been to Africa and I have lived with the Pygmies.
    I have worked for the Washington Post for 10 years.
    I really enjoy playing tennis and water polo.
    I prefer watching comedies to watching sad films.

    Full name : John Ragland…………………………………………………………
    State :  Tennessee………………………………………………………
    Family : 2 brothers………………………………………………………
    Does he still live with them : ● yes​​​● no
    Experiences :
    - have been to Africa……………………………………………………………………….
    - have lived with the Pygmies
    Job : have worked for the Washington Post
    How long for ? : for 10 years………………………….
    ♥ : really enjoy playing tennis and water polo, watching comedies…………………………………………………………………

    Cette réponse est valable en dehors de toute mise en forme qu'exigerait la consigne.………………………………………………………………………

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