

bonjour es ce que vous pouvez me coriger​
bonjour es ce que vous pouvez me coriger​

2 Réponse

  • Dear Shannon* ou comme tu l'as écrit, "my dear Shannon", si tu es proche avec le destinataire de la lettre.

    I have not forgotten that today is your birthday*

    In* the boat

    I became the boss of a company*

    Ce que je t'ai corrigé, c'est des petites fautes, bénines. Le reste, c'est parfait ! Bravo !

    Bonne journée :)

  • I hope you are DOING well

    First, I have not forgotten THAT TODAY IS your birthday!

    I am very happy BECAUSE I HAVE FOUND A JOB WHO will change my life. I became THE boss in a company. That's why I would like TO you to come to Los-Angeles next to me. I really want TO you to come here because I noticed THAT during our separation I felt feeling toward you. I hope you will come THEN wime will live happily until the end of our life.

    Il te manque les erreurs de ponctuation à corriger toi-même sinon tout est bon