

bonjour, quelqu'un pourrais me faire une présentation de l'Australie en anglais(un texte)

2 Réponse

  • Bonjour,

    Australia, or Commonwealth of Australia, is a federal state located in Oceania, which includes:

    - Australia itself, considered the largest island in the world or a continent on its own (sometimes referred to as an “island-continent”);

    - the Tasmanian Republic;

    - other islands of the Indian Ocean, the Coral Sea or the Southern Ocean;

    - a large Antarctic territory.

    Its capital is Canberra. The official language is English. The official currency is the Australian dollar and its currency is Avance, beautiful and just Australia. It is a very rich country.

    En espérant que cela t'aura aidé :)

  • Hello,

    Australia is the sixth-largest country by land area. Australia is bordered to the west by the Indian Ocean, and to the east by the South Pacific Ocean. The Tasman Sea lies to the southeast, separating it from New Zealand, while the Coral Sea lies to the northeast. Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Indonesia are Australia's northern neighbours, separated from Australia by the Arafura Sea and the Timor Sea. Based upon scientific evidence and theory, the island of Australia was most likely first settled more than 50,000 years ago with successive waves of immigration of people from south and south-east Asia. In 1770, the expedition of the Endeavour under the command of Captain James Cook navigated and charted the east coast of Australia, making first landfall at Botany Bay on 29 Apr 1770. Cook continued northwards, and before leaving put ashore on Possession Island in the Torres Strait off Cape York on 22 Aug 1770. Australia has a multicultural population practising almost every religion and lifestyle.

    1 January: New Years' Day

    26 January: Australia Day, marking the anniversary of the First Fleet's landing in Sydney Cove in 1788.

    Voilà Bon Courage

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