

Aidez moi en anglais

2/ Expression écrite

1- « If …will/won’t » sentences / should – shouldn’t

Utilise les informations suivantes pour faire des prédictions logiques + indique un conseil libre de ton choix, avec SHOULD ou SHOULDN’T ( 5 pts) :

1) We / drive / large / cars ► never / reduce / pollution
If we.....................................................................................................................
2) People / use / regular light bulbs ► use / a lot of electricity
3) We / not buy / hybrid cars ► not save energy and gasoline
4) We / throw / litter everywhere ► not protect / the environment
5) People / not fight against global warming ► our planet / be / in danger

1 Réponse

  • 1) If we drive large cars, we never reduce pollution.

    2) If the Peopleuse regular light bulbs, we used a lot of electricity

    3) If we buy not cars, we don't save gasoline energy. 

    4) If we throw a litter everywhere, we don't protect the environment.

    5) If People don't fight ainst the global warming, our planet is in danger.

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