

Bonjour a tous j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide svp merci beaucoup

écrire un petit article en anglais sur la ségrégation au Etat unis
-Qu'est ce que les gens avait droit de faire ou de ne pas faire? en parlant d'obligation et interdiction
-Parlez des personnes qui ont lutter contre cette segregation;Qu'est ce qu'il ont fait.ce qui c est passe
-utilisez la voix passive au moins une fois

1 Réponse

  • In the United States, during segregation times, black people were not equal to whites. They could not sit wherever in a bus, they had their own drinking fountains, they were placed in different schools, they could'nt vote... Rosa Parks was a black African American woman who refused to give up her seat in a bus to a white man, she became famous for this act of rebellion and caused black people to rise up for their rights. Marthin Luther King Jr. is extremelly well known for his "I have a dream" speech held in Washington D.C. He inspired many people, black AND white and helped along a lot of anti-segregation and discrimination movements. He was however assassinated at about 40 years old.

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