

i would like a short writing about << how we can save the earth and keep the envirment clean ) plz help me

1 Réponse

  • Keeping our planet, Earth, clean, is all we can do for it, in compensation of all it has done to us. Our planet hasn't been well tooken care of, and now, it's really suffering from te damage we caused. We overexploited minerals, we overhunted animals, we cut billions of trees, we contamined thousands of water sources, etc. Have we done anything good to Earth?

    Keeping our planet clean is the least we can do, and it isn't hard at all:

    The first step would be cleaning what is already dirty - cleaning seas and rivers, forests, streets, etc.

    The second step would be preventing stuff from getting dirty - recycling, consuming less, etc.

    The third step would be showing to everybody how easy and helpful this can be. We need to change the way our community thinks.

    ↑ I gave you a short text, which might contain some ideas for you to work on. Good luck!

    Hope it helped,


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