

Bonjour je doit faire sa en anglais merci de m’aider je doit compléter avec les bons mots
1- Before shopping........... you must find.......with a good reputation. must be careful of....... websites. To be sure that it is you must check if the website is secure with..... on your browser.
3-When you pay online you must check different things you must vérify who is the website...... you must be attentive at .........’s description of the product some sites propose ....... goods. Before paying your order you must create........ and log in your password must be safe . Before paying you must check your.....
Mots ; owner /délivery / purchase / an account / log out /a website /policy /a padlock / symbol/ fake / the adviser / a fradulent /online / safeguard/emails / fake

1 Réponse

  • Reponses:

    1) a padlock

    a website

    2) fake

    a fradulent

    safe guard

    3) owner

    the adviser's


    an account


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