

Pouvez vous m’aidez s’il vous plaît en anglais :

What did Warren g Harding, calvin Coolidge , Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Richard Milhous Nixon have in common ?
Pouvez vous m’aidez s’il vous plaît en anglais : What did Warren g Harding, calvin Coolidge , Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Richard Milhous Nixon have in common

1 Réponse

  • En gros en résumé :

    What they had in common was to own slaves, and to have a clear idea of separation between black and white people.

    " Warren G. Harding, who, bosing to segregation, had insisted upon the fundamental, eternal, and inescapable difference between whites and blacks" ( ligne 12 - 13 ).

    " Calvin Coolidge [...] at a political convention at which a chicken-wire screen separated white and black delegates to the 1924 Republican convention " ( ligne 13 - 15 ).

    " Franklin Delano Roosevelt whose administration barred Negro reporters from his press conferences for most of his tenure as the Chief Executive " ( ligne 16 - 17 ).

    " Richard Milhous Nixon who casually and repeatdly reffered to blacks as jigs and niggers " ( ligne 18 ).

    Ravi de t'avoir aidé.