Bonjour vous pouvez m’aider svp à faire cette exercice svp. Identifier les mots accentués (stress words) et les entourer . Aide moi svp
Identifier les mots accentués (stress words) et les entourer .
Aide moi svp
1 Réponse
1. Réponse Eitya
Je vais mettre les syllabes accentuées en gras.
The United-States of America has by far the highest rate of childhood povrety of any major country on earth. In my opinion, we have a moral responsability to address that issue and we should put our energy and our mind on focusing on how we eliminate childhood poverty in America.
We should not be a society where a significant number of young people are dropping out of highschool, standing out on street corners and destroying their lives.
Number of millionaires and billionaires are growing, and more and more income and wealth inequality to have enough food on the table to provide basic nutrition to those kids. Should that be happening in the United-Stated of America ?
En gros tout les mots avec 1 syllabe sont accentués, car y'a qu'une syllabe.
Ravi de t'avoie aidé.