Bonsoir à tous et toutes. J'ai besoin d 'aide pour l'exercice d'anglais pour mon fils. Rewriting each sentence or question with GOING TO : 1) We don't plan to p
Rewriting each sentence or question with GOING TO :
1) We don't plan to play tennis this weekend.
2) Does Nick plan to join the sports club?
3 ) What are your plans for next summer?
4 ) Look! That tree is about to fall over !
5 ) Do you plan to work hard this year?
6) l don't intend to get a new car.
7 ) The forecast for tomorrow is rain.
8 ) Do Mike and Pat plan to make sandwiches for the party?
9 ) l think it's about to snow.
merci beaucoup.
1 Réponse
1. Réponse secretdreamer531
Bonsoir à vous,
1)Précis grammatical :
Be going to : l'action future est étroitement liée à la situation présente.
"Étant donné ce que je sais du présent / ce que je vois, j'en conclus que..."
Par exemple :
Carefull ! It's going to fall !
Attention ! Ça va tomber !
2) Emploi de Be going to :
-Lorsqu'il y a observation de la situation présente.
Exemple : Look ! It's going to rain.
Regarde ! Il va pleuvoir.
-Généralement, lorsqu'il n'y a pas de repère temporel.
There's going to be a great change.
Il va y avoir un grand changement.
Exercice :
1) We aren't going to play tennis this weekend.
2) Is Nick going to join the sports club ?
3) What are you going to do this summer ?
4) Look ! That tree is going to fall over !
5) Are you going to work hard this year ?
6) I'm not going to get a new car.
7) The forecast for tomorrow says it's going to rain.
8) Are Mike and Pat going to make sandwiches for the party ?
9) I think it's going to snow.
En espérant vous avoir aidé !
Bonne soirée.