

Bonsoir, demain j'ai une petite rédaction d'anglais à faire et j'aimerais savoir si vous pourriez me corriger ? Merci d'avance !!
Bonsoir, demain j'ai une petite rédaction d'anglais à faire et j'aimerais savoir si vous pourriez me corriger ? Merci d'avance !!

1 Réponse

  • Tout ça en Anglais, sans faute : Saturday, March 9, around 20:30, we left Liffré towards Valcenis-Lanslebourg. We arrived at the chalet around 11:30, so we made 11 hours of driving. On Sunday, we played in the snow (Thaïssa, Clara, Eva, Raphaëlle, Anaïs and I made a snowman, I even think that Madame GAUDIN has a photo), we made great snowballs battles (he There were two camps: the Dummies Camp and the Forts Camp, I was always in the Forts camp. Then we ate and settled in our rooms, I was with Emma, ​​Lou-Anne and Anaïs in the room. She are really nice these girls !! With my girlfriends, we directly insert rules so that our room is not in bazaar, in fact we did not respect its rules because-two days later, we had put the room bazaar. Monday, I ski, what I do not like is the fact that every morning and every afternoon, we had to wear our skis to the station. The first day, we made green runs, I had already ski for a week while all the others had already done a week. But this does not mean that I was not first in the lineup, on the contrary. I was always first because if there was an avalanche, I was safer with the monitor. His name was Damien, he was kind to us. Then after our ski school, we had to postpone our ski to the chalet. Then we had 10 minutes, before eating, to change us. In the afternoon, we still had to wear our ski to return to the station, at least we made our muscles of the arms! This time, we made blue runs, the first one was catastrophic because Martin was bowling with us, he got me into it, so I dropped Theo, who dropped Samsarha and it made a chain of 6 Then in the evening, once at the cottage, we would wash, chat and play board games or ping-pong. Besides, we had a history with Parisians, he did not want us to play ping pong so there are some who fought. Then, in the evening, we had to eat and after the meal we had an activity. Monday was a Loto activity. Tuesday morning, I did not ski but I had racket. The racket is really cool !! It is not walking that is good, but it is seeing the landscape and exploring the mountain. I know that some do not like but I thought it was superb! In addition, we made slips. We had dressed like when we ski, so we were really hot. It was the only day of the week when the weather was nice. Then on Tuesday afternoon, return to skiing, same routine as Monday. Finally the day ended, we went back to the chalet. In the evening, we did a karaoke activity, but I did not sing because my girlfriends did not want and suddenly I stayed with her sitting on the floor. Then on Wednesday morning, I did the same thing only we finally start the blue tracks. In the afternoon, I went to town, I buy 1kilo of cheese, souvenirs for my family (nougat for my uncle, chocolate for my grandma and my grandpa and goat cheese with sausages for my mom) . Then we quietly returned to the cottage with our little race. What was good was the fact that we were able to shower before the others returned. In the evening, we had a quiz night. Then on Thursday, we did skiing and we started the red track! BUT the evening was a special day !! We made the boom !! It was cool because everyone was disguised and you could also use glasses of grenadine, mint ... it was like a nightclub. It's sunset around 22:30. Every night we went to bed around 9:45 pm but not this time! And Friday was the last day we were skiing. In the morning, we made red tracks and a big end of black track. And in the afternoon, we do the same thing again. But we had to go back a little earlier so we were back at the chalet around 15:30. We knew it was the end of the stay because there was no longer the same atmosphere. The evening of departure, we had to eat burgers and fries. And at 19:30, we left the cottage to our house. The stay was great !! I thank all the professors and especially my mother! Here, I hope that this writing will have you more !!