

Bonjour à tous j’ai besoin d’aide, je dois écrire un discours en anglais d’environ 300 mots. Dans ce discours un jeune demande de l’argent dans une conférence en Suède. On doit commencer par ladies and gentlemens, i’m standing before you today to talk ...
Tout ça en utilisant un bon vocabulaire, l’impératif etc. merci et je vous remercie d’avance

1 Réponse

  • Bonjour, je vais faire de mon mieux pour ton discours !

    Ladies and gentlements, I'm standing before you today to talk about money. I know, I'm so young but it's important and that's why I ask you.

    I live in the USA and I traveled to Sweden for you. In my country, we have many people who live in precarity. You think "It's impossible USA are rich !" but not every body.  

    When I was too young, I was scared by homeless persons ! But one day, when I was 12 years old, I was with my best friend in New York and I saw a poor familie who were crying...I stoped my friend and I went in a supermarket, I bought food, drinks and a blanket and I gave them. They are normal people who have no luck ! One week ago, I saw them into their new  flat, the man works in Mcdonalds and they're happy ! They thanked me. I was crying !

    The " (trouve une association qui aide à vaincre la pauvreté aux Etats-Unis) helps poor families in the USA. They need some money for paying psychologists, drinks, food, clothes and for create new housing ! They helped a lot of people and they would like to help a lot of other in the USA and in the all world !

    I want to help them ! 90 millions of people are poor ! We can change it, together !  

    So please,

    Let's help the association ! Let's help poor families ! Let's save people ! You're good enough for understand ! Let's introduce (mets le nom de l'association) in your country !

    Thank you for your attention and listening. I am counting on you and I hope you will make the right decision. Have a good day.

    Il y a 280 mots, je ne trouve pas les 20 autres :( ! J'espère que ca te plait !

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