

Mets les verbes entre parenthèses au present perfect.
1 : Emma this film on TV . (not/see)
2 : How often she the office ? (phone)
3 : the Millers yet ? (arrive)
4 : John on a trip throught Alaska . (not/go)
5 : they ever to New York ? (be)
6 : Andy his sister's bike . (not/repair)
7 : What you in the Kitchen ? (drop)
8 : I a new laptop . (buy)
9 : toby his blue pen ? (find)
10 : The students their homework . (not/forget)

1 Réponse

  • present perfect : have (au présent) + pp du verbe conjugué


    1 : Emma this film on TV . (not/see)

      Emma has not seen this film on TV

    2 : How often she the office ? (phone)

      How often has she phoned the office ?

    3 : the Millers yet ? (arrive)

       Have the Millers arrived yet ?

    4 : John on a trip throught Alaska . (not/go)

        John has not gone on a trip through Alaska

    5 : they ever to New York ? (be)

         Have they ever been to New York ?

    6 : Andy his sister's bike . (not/repair)

        Andy has not repaired his sister's bike

    7 : What you in the Kitchen ? (drop)

      What have you dropped in the kitchen ?

    8 : I a new laptop . (buy)

        I have bought a new laptop

    9 : toby his blue pen ? (find)

     Has Toby found his blue pen ?

    10 : The students their homework . (not/forget)

       The students have not forgotten their homework

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