

Bonjour il faut que je fasse la synthèse d'un texte en anglais Corrigez moi ce qui ne va pas et j'aimerais rajouter une  petite chose en plus : Le Présent perfect a valeur  présents utilisation de FOR

Clara is a doctor and she is surely the mother most soft and peace whereas her daughter Linda in an adolescent crisis. Loocking back Linda is used to getting pu betimes but with time she bécane slothful. From now one Clara would Like That Linda realize That the Life That she Leads risk of having heavy consequences for her future 
The mother is decided to make exchange the behaviour's daughter, in order to finance à new bathroom but Clara discovers That Linda thinks doesn't be mature
She doesn't worry about her studies even more to spend time as to look for an odd job 
Clara is in bad mood, she has even decided to take a gap year.
Consequently she makes her mother feel guilty by blaming her. At first the wedding of her father thénar her mother is bellyaching. She ends by asserting That There are things more important as the hunger in emerging country.

1 Réponse

  • c parfait mais tu devrais plus argumenter  et a at first the weed pas wedding

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