

Svp pouvais vous m’aider !

A.mets les verbes au prétérit simple ou au prétérit be +V-ing pour raconter ce terrible fait divers .

1.The killer ......(enter) thé house gwen everyone....(sleep).

2.He ...........(look) for his knife when his mobile phone........(ring) .

3.Everybody..........(wake up)when they.......(hear)it.

4.They......(scream)and ......(call) the police .
5.The killer ........(climb)out the window when he.........(get)stuck

6.He......(shout)he .......(be)innocent.

7.He.....still........(yell)when the police......(find )him.

8.Later that night,he..........(find out)it........(be)his mother on the phone.

9she.....(want)to know what time he......(come)home !

2 Réponse

  • 1/ entered...(when pas Gwen) was sleeping
    2/ was looking ... rang
    3/ was waking up...heard
    4/ they were screaming and calling
    5/ was climbing out... got stuck
    6/ he was shouting he was innocent
    7/was still yelling...found
    8/ found out...was
    Bye bye!
  • 1. The killer entered (there's something missing here ?) the house when everyone was sleeping.

    2. He was looking for his knif when his mobile phone rang.

    3. Everybody woke up when they heard it.

    4. They screamed and called the police.

    5. The killer was climbing out the window when he got stuck.

    (je fais la suite dans un autre commentaire)

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